The film GIANTS IN MILAN - SUSTAINABLE ART is curated by Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico, directed by Andrea Bellati, with songs by Renato Doney, with a special appearance by Pino Farinotti and interventions of Marina Messina (Direttore Polo Musei Storici e Musei Archeologici), Giovanna Mori (Conservatore Responsabile Castello Sforzesco), Claudio Salsi (Soprintendente e Direttore Settore Soprintendenza Castello, Musei Archeologici e Musei Storici), Don Gianantonio Borgonovo (Arciprete del Duomo e Presidente della Veneranda Fabbrica), Ferruccio De Bortoli (Giornalista), Carla Fracci (étoile), Francesco Alberoni (Sociologo, saggista e scrittore), Rossella Farinotti (Critico d'Arte), Emilio Isgrò (Artista), Fernando Mazzocca (Storico dell'Arte), Francesco Martelli (Responsabile Cittadella degli Archivi, Comune di Milano), Sergio Escobar (Direttore Piccolo Teatro).
The film, produced by Ethicando Association, relates to the main monuments and artistic heritage of Milan (the Duomo, the La Scala, the Sforzesco Castle, etc.) and some great personalities in the story of Milan (Leonardo da Vinci, Alessandro Manzoni, Napoleon, Gio bridges, etc.). Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico, through in-depth focus on these monuments and personalities, artistically depicted in the film by Pino Farinotti, presents the key sustainability aspects of culture and art in Milan after EXPO 2015, also in terms of relapse of all stakeholders involved (citizens of Milan in the first place!), providing some interesting insights on the impact of major events system on the internationalization of the Lombardy capital.